
Meeting scheduled for 7pm in BE318


  • Field Day
  • Club Meeting Presentations (KK6OWA)
  • Announcements
  • Club Website improvements (AC6P)


Attendance: Chris Tatosian (KK6OWB), Elizabeth Bohrisch(KK6UFH), S. C. Petersen (AC6P), Adam Novak (KK6NNN),  Becker Sharif (KK6OWA), Farman Jack Robinson (KK6SQB), Kerry Veenstra (K3RRY), Maria Hovanessian, Julio Sanchez (KK6UFK)



Final Minutes

Field day was discussed. It was agreed the satellite station needed several members to dedicate themselves to making it happen on FD this year. AC6P noted that he will not dismantle his home sat station to be re-deployed on FD. This means the club will need to make or acquire a 2m VHF beam and 70 UHF beam. It was generall agreed that this could be done by duplicating the 70 helix designed last year by Kayla, KK6???, and building another AC6P 14 element 2m switchable CPOL beam. The AZ-EL rotor still needs addressing.

Members present agreed with KK6OWA that several speakers he has been in contact with should be invited to address our club at a meeting. Ed Fong might give a lecture on J-Pole antennas. Glen, KG0T will be contacted by KK6OWA to give a presentation on "Antenna Myths".

AC6P reviewed the recent improvements made to our clug's website, particularly with respect to keeping upt-to-date information, as required by our Bylaws.

The only resolution that was brought to vote was a motion to add a forum to the website by Jack, KK6SQB; it was seconded by Elizabeth; Motion Passed unanimously:7:30pm.
It was agreed to create a Forum and leave it up for two weeks to evaluate efficacy. Kerry, K3RRY added the Forum to the Club Menu after the meeting.